Telenetics DSP9600 and
DSP9612 Modem

 The Telenetics DSP9600 Modem has been superseded by the DSP9612 modem

the Telenetics DSP9600-FP modem is now called the Telenetics DSP9612-FP modem
the Telenetics DSP9600-LV modem is now called the Telenetics DSP9612-LV modem
the Telenetics DSP9600-RM modem is now called the Telenetics DSP9612-RM modem

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part numbers

DSP 9600 Modem


85 to 265VAC,  50/60 Hz or 85 to 400VDC


Low Voltage Range 10 to  53 volts DC


card modem fits the RM16M chassis
(chassis can be 115VAC or 48VDC)


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The Telenetics DSP9612 modem "FlashPoll" is designed to optimize communication links where high speed or unlimited number of drops is necessary. Ideal for SCADA, traffic and the oil industries, the Telenetics DSP9612 modem is a cost-effective, full-featured fast poll, leased line modem with the fastest training time in the industry: 23msec RTS/CTS delay.


bulletFast train modem equalizer with 23 msec RTS/CTS delay
(means more data throughput)
bulletDSP design with automatic adaptive equalizer
bulletBuilt-in wide range of input switching power supply for worldwide applications
(12, 24 ,48, 125, up to 220 volt DC and 115VAC 60 hz and 220/230VAC 50 Hz)
bulletLeased-line interface protected with heavy-duty surge protection

Ideal for SCADA, traffic and the oil industries, the Telenetics FIashPoll DSP9600 is a cost-effective, full-featured fast poll, leased line modem with the fastest training time in the industry: 23msec RTS/CTS delay. The 23msec RTS/CTS training time allows multipoint fast polling of dedicated line Remote Terminal Units (RTU) to upgrade their speeds from the Bell 202T modems at 0-1800 bps to 9600 bps in point-to-point or multipoint applications. Eight times faster than the industry standard Bell 202T modem, the FIashPoll DSP9612 modem is an excellent and affordable alternative.

Developed with a high-speed Digital Signal Processor (DSP), the FIashPoll DSP9612 modem is the most technologically advanced product on the market today.

Ideal for systems where fast response, short training time and low throughput delay is required, FIashPoll is optimized for fast receiver equalizer training and extremely low throughput delay. The total throughput delay is reduced by 33% comparing to a standard 9600 bps modem.

FIashPoll operates at 9600 or 4800 bps over 2- or 4-wire leased or metallic lines and the DSP9612 modem FIashPoll operates at 9600, 4800 and 1,200bps (202T modulation)  bps over 2- or 4-wire leased or metallic lines and is temperature hardened for industrial, substation or traffic applications. When used with terminal polled devices, an unlimited number of drops is possible.

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part numbers

Flash Poll TM DSP9612 Modem

Telenetics DSP9612FP

85 to 265VAC,  50/60 Hz or 85 to 400VDC

Telenetics DSP9612LV

Low Voltage Range 10 to  53 volts DC

Telenetics DSP9612RM

card modem fits the RM16M chassis




Fax 301-924-7403

3405 Olandwood Court
Olney, MD 20832
