UDS V3600

UDS V3600 part numbers

UDS V.3600 Modem  6209548200010 - Stand alone 115VAC
UDS V.3600 Modem 6209548100010   - Rack mount card
UDS V.3600 Modem 6209548200020 - Stand Alone - 12 to 60 VDC
                    230VAC 50 Hz power is optional

UDS V.3600 TEL-6209548200010 Modem - Stand alone 115VAC
UDS V.3600 TEL-6209548100010 Modem  - Rack mount card
UDS  V.3600 TEL-6209548200020 Modem - Stand Alone - 12 to 60 VDC

           230VAC 50 Hz power is optional

The Motorola UDS V3600 is a high performance V.34/V.42bis data and fax modem. It allows users to transmit critical applications at 33.6 kbps in synchronous and asynchronous environments, and is capable of throughput rates up to 230.4 kbps.

The Motorola UDS V.3600 (Now the Telenetics V3600) modem is a high performance V.34/V.42bis data and fax modem. It allows users to transmit critical applications at 33.6 kbps in synchronous and asynchronous environments, and is capable of throughput rates up to 230.4 kbps.


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