Adtran NetVanta 3200 Chassis

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Adtran NetVanta 3200 1200860L1  Chassis NetVanta 3200 Chassis 1200860L1

Adtran NetVanta 3200 1200860L1
Modular Access Router - Single Slot/Single Ethernet

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Adtran NetVanta 3200 1200860L1 features

bulletAccess router for Internet access, public and private Frame Relay,
leased line connections, and Virtual Private Networking (VPN)
bulletInterchangeable network interface module (NIM) slots for 56/64K, T1/FT1, Serial, or T1/FT1 w/DSX-1 NIMs
bulletSupports E1 for global applications
bulletBuilt-in DSU/CSU protects circuit
bulletAuto-sensing 10/100BaseT interface to accommodate mixed Ethernet environments
bulletCommand Line Interface (CLI) mimics de facto industry standard
bulletOptional DSX-1 interface available for voice connectivity to a PBX
bulletOptional dial backup system prevents network downtime
bulletAnalog Modem module used for dial backup or remote management
bulletOptional VPN - 5 IPSec tunnels using DES/3DES/AES encryption
bulletSupports OSPF, RIP, static routes, and bridging
bulletStateful inspection firewall protects against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
bulletNetwork Address Translation (NAT/NAPT) conceals private IP addresses
bulletIndustry-leading five-year warranty
bulletDesktop chassis

ordering info
Adtran NetVanta 3200 - 1200860L1   base unit 


optional 3200 part numbers

Adtran NetVanta Modular Access Routers
Equipment Part #
Adtran NetVanta 3200 Chassis 1200860L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta 3200 Chassis with VPN 4200860L2 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta 3205 Chassis 1200870L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta 56/64K NIM 1200861L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta T1/FT1 NIM 1200862L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta T1/FT1+DSX-1 NIM 1200863L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta Serial NIM 1200866L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta Analog Modem DIM 1200864L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta ISDN BRI DIM 1200865L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta 3200 with 56/64K NIM 4200861L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta 3200 with T1/FT1 NIM 4200862L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta 3200 with T1/FT1+DSX-1 NIM 4200863L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta 3200 with Serial NIM 4200866L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta 3205 with 56/64K NIM 4200871L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta 3205 with T1/FT1 NIM 4200872L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta 3205 with T1/FT1+DSX-1 NIM 4200873L1 NetVanta
Adtran NetVanta 3205 with Serial NIM 4200876L1 NetVanta


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see other Adtran pages

see other Adtran NetVanta pages

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*  for more information please call 888-492-6526

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Fax 301-924-7403

3405 Olandwood Court
Olney, MD 20832
