Carrier Access
From simple devices to complex, modular
systems, our carrier-quality products are ideal for today’s do-more-with-less
demands because we deliver on two goals -- maximizing service provider revenue
while minimizing the total cost of ownership.

BROADway Platform
Next-generation SONET/SDH. The BROADway® is ideally suited for broadband hub
site and multi-services switch center applications, delivering a wide range of
voice and data services over NxT1/E1, DS3/E3, or SONET/SDH. Service providers
can provision the BROADway for some or all of the following functions: SONET/SDH
Add-Drop Multiplexer (ADM), VT/TU-level switch, IP access router, 1/0 Digital
Access Cross-connect System (DACS), 1/3 Multiplexer (M13) and ATM access
Axxius Platform
The new standard in access infrastructure functionality and performance. The
Axxius® integrates many access and bandwidth management functions into a
single space- and bandwidth-saving platform. It enables wireline and wireless
carriers to deliver additional services and generate more revenue at
dramatically lower costs.
MASTERseries Platform
Unparalleled functionality in a hardened platform. The MASTERseries platform
provides the integrated functionality of DSU/CSU circuit termination, micro-DCS
grooming, ADPCM transcoding, inverse multiplexing, IP routing, and voice FXS
extension. The MASTERseries provides an ideal solution for cell site
integrated access and narrowband access concentration applications. A variety
of enclosures, application modules, and plug-on adapters create a flexible and
scalable solution to your mission-critical interconnection issues.
Adit Platform
Modular. Cost-effective. Scalable. Adits
deliver a wide array of revenue-generating voice and data services to
end-users. From small office / home office (SOHO) to multi-tenant units or
cell sites, this platform was designed to cost-effectively scale to meet
customers’ growing needs.
CELLlink Platform
Cost-effective, reliable and highly manageable. The CELLlinkTM 500 product is
Carrier Access’ most economical solution for providing circuit termination and
drop-and-insert at cell sites, offering an integrated multi-port CSU/DSU in a
compact footprint. The CELLlink 500 can be used in branch office networking
for corporate voice and data applications and are ideal for wireless cell site
backhaul applications that require simple terminations.
Exxtenz Platform
Optics for the cost of copper. The Exxtenz™ enables service providers to
deliver cost-effective, integrated high-speed data and voice services to small
and medium-sized businesses and multi-dwelling residences using a Passive
Optical Network (PON) infrastructure – offering the benefits of PON for the
cost of copper.
Wide Bank Platform
Best-of-breed intelligence. Unparalleled density. The Wide Bank platform is
high on features and low on space requirements – intelligent multiplexers that
deliver DS1 service from DS3 or STS-1 circuits.
Access Navigator Platform
Extend capex budgets. Reduce backhaul costs. By optimizing access facilities,
the Access Navigator platform fully utilizes expensive switching and routing
bandwidth resources while reducing unnecessary backhaul costs.
Broadmore Platform
ATM to the edge. Capex to the bottomline. The Broadmore platform optimizes ATM
capital investment and extends ATM service to the edge of the network
utilizing standards-based Circuit Emulation Service (CES).
FREEway Platform
License-free 5.3/5.8 GHz Point-to-point DS3/Ethernet. The FREEway is a fully
hardened, self-contained point-to-point microwave radio. It is designed for
either indoor or outdoor use, and is a carrier-class design supporting 99.999%
availability. The FREEway's TDM and packet based feature set combined with a
robust resistance to RF interference make it an ideal solution for
Access Bank Platform
Powerful. Affordable. The Access Bank platform provides cost-effective T1
voice and data delivery solutions for single or dual T1 environments.
NetworkValet Platform
Reduced operating costs. User-friendly GUIs. A complete Element Management
System (EMS) solution that remotely configures, provisions, manages and
maintains all of our most popular devices using Java™-based graphical user
interfaces and a CORBA compliant client/server architecture.

Please contact us
610-399-3911 for Sales